The 20th Century
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THE LINE RIDERS: The Border Patrol, Prohibition, and the Liquor War on the Rio GrandeHardbound$5.95 $29.95
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DANCE FLOOR DEMOCRACY: The Social Geography of Memory at the Hollywood CanteenPaperbound$6.95 $28.95
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AMERICAN MIDNIGHT: The Great War, a Violent Peace, and Democracy's Forgotten CrisisHardbound$7.95 $29.99
CAPTURING AGUINALDO: The Daring Raid to Seize the Philippine President at the Dawn of the American CenturyHardbound$6.95 $34.95
THE DIRTY TRICKS DEPARTMENT: Stanley Lovell, the OSS, and the Masterminds of World War II Secret WarfarePaperbound$5.95 $20.00
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IN THE BLOOD: How Two Outsiders Solved a Centuries-Old Medical Mystery and Took on the US ArmyHardbound$6.95 $29.00
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IKE'S ROAD TRIP: How Eisenhower's 1919 Convoy Paved the Way for the Roads We TravelHardbound$21.95 $28.95
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AMERICAN CASTLE: The Notorious Legacy of Mar-a-LagoPaperbound$14.95 $19.99
STREET FIGHT: The Chicago Taxi Wars of the 1920sHardbound$21.95 $29.95
JIMMY BRESLIN: Essential WritingsHardbound$29.95 $40.00
G-MAN: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American CenturyPaperbound$17.95 $25.00
DRESSING BARBIE: A Celebration of the Clothes That Made America's Favorite Doll and the Incredible Woman Behind ThemPaperbound$21.95 $29.99
1932: FDR, Hoover, and the Dawn of a New AmericaHardboundPrice cut to $12.95 $28.00
BOWLARAMA: The Architecture of Mid-Century BowlingHardbound$29.95 $40.00
KATHY FISCUS: A Tragedy That Transfixed the NationHardbound$21.95 $30.00
PEACHES & DADDYHardbound$5.95 $25.95
L.A. BIRDMEN: West Coast Aviators and the First Airshow in AmericaHardboundPrice cut to $17.95 $29.95
MOONDOGGLE: Franklin Roosevelt and the Fight for Tidal-Electric Power at Passamaquoddy BayHardboundPrice cut to $14.95 $45.00
AMERICAN JOURNEY: On the Road with Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and John BurroughsHardboundPrice cut to $17.95 $30.00
THE INFERNAL MACHINE: A True Story of Dynamite, Terror, and the Rise of the Modern DetectiveHardboundPrice cut to $19.95 $32.00
LAWYER, JAILER, ALLY, FOE: Complicity and Conscience in America's World War II Concentration CampsHardbound$11.95 $30.00
THE REBEL CAFE: Sex, Race, and Politics in Cold War America's Nightclub UndergroundHardbound$21.95 $57.00
HILLBILLY HIGHWAY: The Transappalachian Migration and the Making of a White Working ClassPaperbound$15.95 $19.95
LIFE AFTER MANZANARHardbound$4.95 $28.00
REBEL LAWYER: Wayne Collins and the Defense of Japanese American RightsHardbound$4.95 $20.00
STUDIO 54Hardbound, Adults Only$29.95 $85.00